A very common problem that people face is water leakage through rooftops or water proof structures. Flat roofs in particular have leaks mostly owing to the fact that during construction they are used for various staging works during constructions. There are certain testing methods and quality control.
These standard methods consist of construction observation, flood testing and a few non-destructive tests. Electronic impedance testing, infrared thermal testing and nuclear testing are some of the non-destructive tests. EZ Plumbing USA is certified to carry out electronic leak detection in San Diego.
Electronic Leak Detection (ELD) is a non-destructive test that can help identify water leaking points & trapped water regions in a roof structure. At EZ Plumbing USA, we use bristles that are electronically charged. Problem areas can be identified this way without disturbing the construction structure.
EZ Plumbing USA exploits these technologies to non-intrusively pinpoint the leaks. Our methods are environment friendly and clearly identify the areas that need remedial work.